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  • Writer's picturePaige Martin

Three Under Three

Well...what can I say? Everyone has always said Blake and I are different, but three under three? We must be crazy....

I have had so many who follow along with us on Instagram reach out to me about the new baby on my stories. No, lol, I did not have a surprise baby or one of those I didn't know I was pregnant moments as some have guessed out loud. Seriously, though, the rumor mill always keeps us laughing.

To explain the situation let me set the scene.

It was an ordinary Thursday filled with a school day for Cooper, a meeting with a social media client, and all things stay at home mom life. The boys (Eli and Cooper) had been a handful all day. I was at my limit of being touched, yelled for, and breaking up squabbles. I needed a tall glass of my favorite cabernet and a soak in Dr. Teals with a book ASAP. I seriously called Blake on his way home to tell him as soon as he walked through the door I was locking myself in the bathroom. If you are a momma, you know these days. It doesn't mean we are not perfect. We just need a minute to ourselves and have pushed the time limit on allowing ourselves to have this time.

No more than 10 minutes into my bath, Blake just comes busting in the bathroom door. This is not typical for Blake. He always gives me my time and entertains the boys while I get away for a minute. I thought something was seriously wrong. My first thought was what has Eli ate or stuck in a body part now??

He looked seriously perplexed and then quickly busted out, "Do you want another one?". No, not in the romantic way. Like phone in one hand, concerned expression, kind of way. Out of all times to get this phone call, this could not have been funnier. I seriously busted out laughing after having the kind of day I had with the boys. But the thing is....I had already been praying about this moment.

Flashback, 2017-18. Blake and I had always known that we wanted a larger family. We had discussed it a million times, and by the time we got married we were ready to start a family. Except, it didn't happen right away. Due to PCOS, I ended up having to take medication to even have Cooper. While pushing through the nasty battle of infertility for a moment, our conversations really "got deep" about the idea of fostering. We had watched Blake's parents foster two children, and we knew it was something that we wanted to do in our family. We were finally able to conceive sweet Cooper, and the idea was swept under the rug for another time in our lives.

Move forward, February 2021. We now are two under two deep with a potential move coming up. We get the news that a child might be coming into the family from someone who may not be able to care for it. That is where my prayer journey begins. I begin praying for this baby and the mother. I prayed for the mother to make smart decisions and to support her baby. A few months go by, and then our big move to Chattanooga happens. To be honest, in the chaos of moving, planning a reunion, Eli's first birthday, and our Disney vacation, I almost forgot about the entire situation. It would get brought up from time to time at family gatherings, but always as a side conversation. Then that Thursday in the tub came.

I honestly did not even know that he was born until I received a message with his picture that week saying she had the baby. I sent my congratulations and still did not think much about it. I prayed for the baby's health and that was about it. Now, back to the tub and the phone call.

We went from the picture sent to me of the baby, to the DCS call, to agreeing to bring the most precious baby boy into our lives all in a 36 hour period. I seriously think I spoke to God a million times in those 36 hours. Was it the right decision? Did we really want to get caught up in the drama and DCS? Could I handle 3 kids ages 36 months, 15 months, and a newborn? Was it financially going to work? How would it effect the boys?? All questions I asked God in my prayers. Searching for an answer from him. That was when he lead me to the story of Sarah and Abraham.

Most people think of Abraham and Sarah and automatically think of patience. Most Christians know their story very well of patience and waiting on God's timing. Many people do not focus on another one of the characters in that story, Hagar. Hagar was Sarah's slave who gave birth to Abraham's first son at the direction of Sarah. Sarah and Hagar's relationship did not go well after that. Sarah even ended up having her cast into the desert with her new born at one point. Instead of waiting for God's promise in his timing, Sarah had decided to take measures into her own hand by forcing Hagar to have Abraham a son. Let's be honest we all know how it goes when we do not trust and loose patience with God and try to do things on our own. Not good.

I seriously came across that story three separate times in that week of waiting and trying to navigate the world of DCS with a newborn in the NICU who had no support person there. I was so frustrated at times with God. Why would he time it out like this? Why would he lead this child to us, but then make us wait to see him while he was in the NICU? I had so many questions and was so frustrated that I could not visit due to rules and regulations. I remember sitting in the living room in prayer when I heard God speak to me.

I had always heard about people saying God spoke to them. I tend to get upset sometimes, because I feel like I am not always getting that clear of a message that they say they get. Don't get me wrong I speak to God a lot, but I am no saint. I have even flat out been mad at God because I felt like he was ignoring me when I thought I needed answers the most. Well, all I can say is that day in prayer God took me back to that passage in Genesis again with a message to me as clear as day to be patient. This is in His hands. It was so clear to me I was moved to tears. I think Blake may have thought I was crazy as I was trying to explain this to him. A total sense of peace and calming about the situation came over me like never before. I was level headed and had patience like no other. I kid you not, after that prayer session and message it was no more than 24 hours and we received foster parent papers and got to go see him in the NICU. By that weekend (a week since the phone call) I was bringing him home.

This week has been the best week of my life. I have never had more patience, felt more love, or felt more called to be a mother. My boys are my world, and I know God brought this precious new baby into our lives for a purpose. I continue to pray each day God will give me what I need as a mother to raise my children to love God first and follow the path he has set for them. For us to live out his purpose he has for Blake and I. And to give each of our boys the best life possible, including our new baby.

If you have made it this far, you may have noticed I have left out all baby name, full details, and mother information out of this post. At this time, it is just not appropriate or safe to share. I promise as this journey continues, I will keep y'all updated. Some of it, I may never share. As for now, I am going to go soak in those newborn snuggles and drink up some more caffeine.

If you are praying for us, thank you. It means so much as we are on this journey. We need prayers for the baby's continued good health, the mother's cooperation and situation, and for continued peace and calm.

I hope y'all have the best week. Make sure to subscribe to get notified of all my latest posts!

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